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Our Fees
Correct as of Jan 2024

Conveyancing Fees

The range of costs outlined is accurate as at January 2024.

Your matter will be handled by a qualified Solicitor who will be assisted by an experienced member of staff.
As a Firm we do not pay referral fees to third parties so our time and attention is dedicated to you.


The basic fee structure for sales and purchases of Freehold properties with existing registered titles is as follows:   

Property Value
Up to £150,000.00
£700.00 + VAT (£140.00), totalling £840.00.
Then to £200,000.00
£750.00 + VAT (£150.00), totalling £900.00.
Then to £300,000.00
£775.00 + VAT (£155.00), totalling £930.00.
Then to £400,000.00
£800.00 + VAT (£160.00), totalling £960.00.
Then to £500,000.00
£850.00 + VAT (£170.00), totalling £1,020.00.
Then to £600,000.00
£900.00 + VAT (£180.00), totalling £1,080.00.
Then to £700,000.00
£950.00 + VAT (£190.00), totalling £1,140.00.
Then to £800,000.00
£1,000.00 + VAT (£200.00), totalling £1,200.00.
Above £900,000.00
£1,250.00 to £2,000.00 + VAT (£250.00 - £400.00), totalling £1,500.00 - £2,400.00, but please telephone with details of the transaction so clearer estimate of fees can be provided.

Typical scenarios where additional fees may arise are:

Leasehold Flat purchase
£300.00 plus VAT (£60.00), totalling £360.00.
Leasehold Flat sale
£200.00 plus VAT (£40.00), totalling £240.00.
New Builds/Plots
£300.00 plus VAT (£60.00), totalling £360.00.
Shared Ownership
£300.00 plus VAT (£60.00), totalling £360.00.
Equity Release
£800.00 plus VAT (£160.00), totalling £960.00.
For Listed Buildings or where there are other unusual features or planning restrictions
£150.00 plus VAT (£30.00), totalling £180.00.
Unregistered Title
£100.00 plus VAT (£20.00), totalling £120.00 (sale) and £150.00 plus VAT (£30.00), totalling £180.00.
Solar Panels -
£100.00 plus VAT (£20.00), totalling £120.00.
Arranging Indemnity Policies
£50.00 + VAT (£60.00) per policy (in addition to the premium)
Dealing with Restrictions/Deeds of Covenant on Freehold transactions
£100.00 plus VAT (£20.00), totalling £120.00.
Notice Fees
£25.00 plus VAT (£5.00), totalling £30.00 per notice.
Help to Buy ISAs -
£50.00 plus VAT (£10.00), totalling £60.00.
Help to Buy Mortgage
£150.00 plus VAT (£30.00), totalling £180.00.
CHAPs Bank Transfers (e.g. to other Solicitors, to Lenders to repay mortgage(s) or if required due to amount involved)
£24.00 plus VAT (£4.00), totalling £28.00 per payment.
Legal Marketing Services fee
£25.00 plus VAT (£5.00), totalling £30.00.
Gifted Deposit verification
£50.00 plus VAT (£10.00), totalling £60.00.
Retentions (usually on leasehold flats only)
£100.00 plus VAT (£20.00), totalling £120.00.
Obtaining confirmation of identity using Form ID1
£50.00 plus VAT (£10.00), totalling £60.00 per ID1
Verify instructions and identity where Power of Attorney involved
£100.00 plus VAT (£20.00), totalling £120.00.
Trust Deed (basic)
£150.00 + VAT (£180.00). If revisions are required or additional attendances or complications arise further fees will arise and are likely to be in the range of up to £300.00.

Illustrations of fees in relation to other transactions that commonly arise are:

Transactions that may arise
Transfer of title – please telephone and let us have details of the transaction which will enable us to provide an estimate.
The starting fee will be £300.00 plus VAT (£60.00), totalling £360.00 and disbursements which is subject to increase depending on complexity.
Re-Mortgage (subject to confirmation of Lender).
£350.00 plus VAT (£70.00), totalling £420.00.
Re-mortgage and Transfer including Transfer of equity with Mortgage.
£400.00 plus VAT (£80.00), totalling £480.00.
Council House Purchase.
£390.00 plus VAT (£78.00), totalling £468.00.
Advice on Auction pack.
£200.00 plus VAT (£40.00), totalling £240.00.
Auction purchase following exchange no advice.
£300.00 plus VAT (£60.00), totalling £360.00.
Auction Sale.
£550.00 plus VAT (£110.00), totalling £660.00.
Land Sale.
£500.00 plus VAT (£100.00), totalling £600.00 minimum charge however please telephone and provide details of the transaction to enable a clearer estimate to be given.
Purchase of Freehold Reversion.
£350.00 plus VAT (£70.00), totalling £420.00.
Update Title.
£100.00 plus VAT (£20.00), totalling £120.00.

If you have a different transaction or need advice generally, please contact us to discuss the position and to arrange a bespoke figure.

It is likely that disbursements will arise in relation to a Conveyancing transaction and which might typically include:

  • £3.00 plus VAT (£0.60), totalling £3.60 for each Official Copy documents from HM Land Registry

  • £3.00 plus VAT (£0.60), totalling £3.60 for each Official Land Registry Search

  • £2.00 plus VAT (£0.40), totalling £2.40 for each Bankruptcy and Land Charges Search

  • Land Registration Fee – the amount for this will depend on the purchase price for a property and whether or not it is a transfer of part or a first registration 

Please note - this Firm’s fees will be reviewed if a matter becomes protracted or issues arise that were not anticipated at the outset of the transaction.   The fee earner will advise if this becomes the position and, where possible, provide the most accurate update in relation to costs. 



A commercial property matter will be dealt with on the basis of a Solicitor’s hourly rate of £255.00 plus VAT (£51.00), totalling £306.00 per hour. 

Private Client Matters

The range of costs outlined is accurate as at January 2024.

Solicitor and Partner, Bridget Thorpe, will be responsible for dealing with your matter and is assisted by Rebecca Richmond and Charlie Jones-Connor, experienced Private Client Paralegals.

Estate Administration

Our fees for assisting with estate administration matters will be dependent upon the make-up of the estate and the level of assistance required. At the outset of the matter, we try our best to provide an accurate estimate of how long the matter will take to be dealt with depending on the information available to us at the time. In situations where we are unable estimate the work that may be required, the matter can be reviewed whilst the administration progresses in order to provide an accurate fee estimate. As no two estates are the same, the work required in dealing with them cannot always be foreseen at the outset of the matter due to unknown complexities that may arise.

Our estimates are based on the time that we believe will be required to deal with the matter charged at our hourly rate of £255 plus VAT (£51.00), totalling £306.00. Time is recorded in units of 6 minutes with 1 unit of time equating to £25.50 plus VAT (£5.10), totalling £30.60. The VAT is charged at the prevailing rates and is currently at 20%. More specific and accurate information can be provided when the extent of the Estate and the work that is anticipated to arise is more clearly known. Fees will also be incurred for applicable disbursements and 3rd party payments.


We also offer a “Grant Only” service which involves us drafting and submitting the application for the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration using asset and liability information supplied by the Executors/Personal Representatives. We would not be involved in writing to the various asset holders to obtain valuations and once the Grant is issued, this would be passed on to the Executors/Personal Representatives to continue administering the estate. 


Our fees for dealing for providing a Grant Only service in relation to an estate where there is no Inheritance Tax implications would be £750 plus VAT (£150.00), totalling £900.00 and applicable disbursements. If the estate was subject to Inheritance Tax, our fees would be £1,200 plus VAT (£240.00), totalling £1,140.00 and applicable disbursements. 


Probate Registry
£300.00 (NO VAT) plus £1.50 (NO VAT) per additional copy Grant
Office Copies of property titles from HM Land Registry.
£3.00 plus VAT (£0.60), totalling £3.60 each.
Land Charges (Bankruptcy) searches made against the names of beneficiaries.
£2.00 plus VAT (£0.40), totalling £2.40 per person.
Notices pursuant to Section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925 and which are placed with a local newspaper and the London Gazette.
Typically, the cost of these Notices is around £210.00 but can vary depending on the locality in which the death occurred.

Please note this list is not exhaustive of possible disbursements that may be necessary, and the prices are correct as at the time of publication. 

Other Fees

Fee for one person
Fee for two people
Simple Will
£175.00 plus VAT (£35.00), totalling £210.00.
£300.00 plus VAT (£60.00), totalling £360.00.
Property Trust/Life Interest Will
£250.00 plus VAT (£50.00), totalling £300.00.
£500.00 plus VAT (£100.00), totalling £600.00.
Office Copies - £3.00 plus VAT (£0.60), totalling £3.60.
£100.00 plus VAT (£20.00), totalling £120.00.
£150.00 plus VAT (£30.00), totalling £180.00.
Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA's)
Fee for one person
Fee for two people
Property & Finance
£400.00 plus VAT (£80.00), totalling £480.00.
£700.00 plus VAT (£140.00), totalling £840.00.
Court fee per LPA - £82.00 (NO VAT)
Health & Welfare
£400.00 plus VAT (£80.00), totalling £480.00.
£700.00 plus VAT (£140.00), totalling £840.00.
Court fee per LPA - £82.00 (NO VAT)
Both types
£600.00 plus VAT (£120.00), totalling £720.00.
£900.00 plus VAT (£180.00), totalling £1,080.00.
Court fee per LPA - £82.00 (NO VAT)
Transfer of Property
From £350.00 plus VAT (£70.00), totalling £420.00.
HMLR Registration Fee – Depends on value of property
Declaration of Trust
From £350.00 plus VAT (£70.00), totalling £420.00.
Registration of Enduring Power of Attorney
From £300.00 plus VAT (£60.00), totalling £360.00.
Consultation to include advice in writing
*Dependent upon advice required
Discretionary Trust Will
*Dependent upon instructions
Home Visits
*Dependent upon location and circumstances

Complex Matters

If additional or specific advice is required fees will be charged on a time spent basis at Bridget Thorpe’s current hourly charging rate of £255.00 plus VAT (£51.00), totalling £306.00. Charges are to be notified and agreed ahead of work being undertaken.  Other circumstances may be relevant to the overall cost details of which are contained in the Solicitors’ (Non-Contentious) Remuneration Order 2009 which can be viewed on

Family Law: Range of Costs

The range of costs outlined is accurate as at January 2024.

Whichever aspect of Family Law your case relates to, we can offer an initial consultation with one of our Solicitors at their hourly rate. Typically, an initial appointment in Family Law is conducted by a Partner.


Partners are assisted by Paralegals, Legal Assistants and Secretaries with a lower charging rate being applied at levels appropriate to the nature of the case. rate and necessary experience. This fee structure allows your matter to be managed in a cost-effective way. 


Solicitors and non-partner Solicitors
Legal Assistants and Clerks
£255.00 per hour plus VAT (£51.00), totalling £306.00.
£177.00 per hour plus VAT (35.40), totalling £212.40.
£177.00 per hour plus VAT (35.40), totalling £212.40.
£75.00 per hour plus VAT (£15.00), totalling £90.00.

The overall cost of dealing with a Family Law case varies according to the size and nature of the dispute.


If a matter is particularly complex or requires the involvement of experts, you should expect your costs to increase. 


If parties are in agreement and little negotiation is needed, then costs can be kept to a minimum. 


The table below is intended to act as a guide as to what might make a case more or less complex. This is not a comprehensive guide. Each Family Law case is different. 

Factors that may increase costs may include
Factors that may keep costs to a minimum may include
Increased negotiation arising from disagreements.
Agreements being reached at an early stage e.g. before a need to engage in Court proceedings.
A need to instruct Counsel or an Expert.
Attendance at mediation to assist in making clear decisions on your case.
Making allegations of harm linked to the case.
The giving of written undertakings at an early stage.
Making applications to Court.
If one party is unrepresented.
Attending Court hearings.
Cross-border disputes.

How long will my case take?

The length of your case will depend how long it takes for you to come to a resolution. In financial remedy proceedings, for example, reaching an agreement and arriving at a sealed consent order for many can take around 12 weeks. If the case becomes contested it can take considerably longer. In extreme cases, heavily contested cases can take longer than 12 months. 

Fixed fees

We only offer fixed fees on change of name deeds:-

  • Change of Name Deed (Adult) - £150.00 plus VAT (£30.00), totalling £180.00. 


Disbursements are fees paid by Solicitors to third parties during the course of a case or transaction.


In any family law matter, you may come across a variety of disbursements such as Court fees, Counsel fees and fees for instructing an expert. 


There are some examples below of typical Court fees and an estimate of other disbursements you may incur. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list. 


If you wish to see a full list of the Family Court Fees, please visit the government website at the link below:-

Court Fees


Marriage and Civil Partnership Proceedings

Filing an application for a divorce, nullity or civil partnership dissolution.
£593.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Filing an application for judicial separation.
£365.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Filing an application for a second or subsequent matrimonial or civil partnership order with permission granted.
£95.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Filing an answer to an application for a matrimonial or civil partnership order.
£245.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Filing an amended application for a matrimonial or civil partnership order.
£95.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Filing an application to start proceedings where no other fee is specified.
£245.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Filing a declaration as to marital status, parentage, legitimacy or adoptions effected overseas.
£365.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Financial Orders
Application for a financial order, other than by consent.
£275.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Application by consent for a financial order.
£53.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Applications for Injunctions – Family Homes and Domestic Violence
Application for a non-molestation order.
No fee
Application for an occupation order.
No fee
Applications under the Children Act 1989
Any new applications under the Children Act 1989 to request permission to issue proceedings or for an order or directions to be made concerning the child or children, for example child arrangements order, prohibited steps order, specific issue order or special guardianship order (with the exception of applications for care and supervision orders which are issued by local authorities).
£232.00 (Exempt from VAT)
An application for an enforcement order under the Children Act 1989 or an order for compensation for financial loss, due to the breakdown of a child arrangement order.
£232.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Application to revoke, amend, extend or take action following the breach of an existing Children Act 1989 enforcement order.
£102.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Applications within Proceedings
Application on notice where no other fee is specified.
£167.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Application by consent or without notice where no other fee is specified, for example an application to vacate or adjourn a hearing.
£53.00 (Exempt from VAT)
Family Enforcement Proceedings
Application in the family court for an order for such method of enforcement as the court may consider appropriate.
£53.00 (Exempt from VAT)

Other Fees (Estimates)

Below is a list of possible disbursements that may arise in your family matter.  This list is not exhaustive and we will advise you of any anticipated disbursements when the need arises. 


The estimates given below can vary depending on the complexity of the case or the seniority of Counsel or the expert you are instructing, for example. 

Counsel’s Fees
Variable on circumstances of case and seniority of Counsel. We would obtain a quote and advise you when the need arises.
Expert Reports
Variable on circumstances of case and experience of expert. We would obtain a quote and advise you when the need arises.
Process Server Fee
Typically, between £90.00 and £250.00, but it may vary if further work is needed than a straightforward service of papers.
GP Letter
Medical Records
Free of charge.
Official Copies Register
£3.00 to £7.00 depending on whether the title or plan is needed.

Employment Tribunal: Range of costs

The range of costs outlined is accurate as at January 2024.

Our pricing for bringing and defending claims for unfair or wrongful dismissal are below. 


All cases are handled either by a Partner with over 25 years post qualification experience. Our Partners are assisted by a Paralegal or Secretary. 

Our Fees

Complexity of Case
Fee Estimate (excluding VAT)
£1,500.00 to £3,500.00.
£3,500.00 to £25,000.00.
£25,000.00 to £40,000.00.

*There will be an additional charge for attending a Tribunal Hearing of £1,200.00 per day (excluding VAT).

The above charges are our estimated time charges or ‘profit costs’ in a “typical” case.  The current hourly charging rate is £255.00 plus VAT (£51.00), totalling £306.00. 


Factors that could make a case more complex and therefore involve increased time and therefore cost include:-


  • If it is necessary to make or defend applications to amend claims or to provide further information about an existing claim

  • Defending claims that are brought by litigants in person

  • Making or defending a costs application

  • Complex preliminary issues such as whether the claimant is disabled (if this is not agreed by the parties)

  • The number of witnesses and documents

  • If the case involves allegations of automatic unfair dismissal, or whistle blowing. 

  • Allegations of discrimination which are linked to the dismissal

  • Whether the claim involves more than one claim or cause of action


Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as court fees.  ​


Counsel's fees estimated between £2,500.00 and £3,500.00 plus VAT per day (depending on experience of the advocate) for attending a Tribunal Hearing (including preparation).


VAT is charged at the prevailing rate of 20% and will be applied to profit costs and counsel fees. Court fees are exempt from VAT. 

Key Stages
The fees set out above cover all of the work in relation to the following key stages of a claim that may be applicable:-
Taking your initial instructions, reviewing the papers and advising you on merits and likely compensation (this is likely to be revisited throughout the matter and subject to change).
Entering into pre-claim conciliation where this is mandatory to explore whether a settlement can be reached.
Preparing claim or response.
Reviewing and advising on claim or response from other party.
Exploring settlement and negotiating settlement throughout the process.
Preparing or considering a schedule of loss.
Preparing for (and attending) a Preliminary Hearing.
Exchanging documents with the other party and agreeing a bundle of documents.
Taking witness statements, drafting statements and agreeing their content with witnesses.
Preparing bundle of documents.
Reviewing and advising on the other party's witness statements.
Agreeing a list of issues, a chronology and/or cast list.
Preparation and attendance at Final Hearing, including instructions to Counsel.
Attending hearings.

The above is intended as a guide only. You may wish to handle the claim yourself and only have our advice in relation to some of the stages. This can also be arranged on your individual needs.

How long will my Claim take?

The time that it takes from taking your initial instructions to the final resolution of your Claim depends largely on the stage at which your case is resolved. 


If a settlement is reached during pre-claim conciliation, your case is likely to take 2-4 weeks.


If your claim proceeds to a Final Hearing, your case is likely to take 8 weeks to 52 weeks. 


This is just an estimate and we will of course be able to give you a more accurate timescale once we have more information and as the matter progresses.


In the event that the Claim is settled then the costs payable will depend upon the amount of time spent in dealing with the claim to that point – the above estimates imagine working through each of the phases of a typical claim.

Disputed Debts and Commercial and Insolvency Claims

The range of costs outlined is accurate as at January 2024.

In disputed cases and in the case of Insolvency related work, we apply an hourly charging rate.  


Letters, emails and telephone calls are charged according to 6-minute units of time or are “pro-rated” in accordance with the scheme set out below. Work may be carried out by Solicitors, Legal Executives and experienced Paralegals. Our fee earners are assisted by Legal Assistants and Clerks. 

Our current hourly charging rates are as follows:-

Solicitors and non-partner Solicitors
Legal Assistants and Clerks
£255.00 per hour plus VAT (£51.00), totalling £306.00.
£177.00 per hour plus VAT (35.40), totalling £212.40.
£177.00 per hour plus VAT (35.40), totalling £212.40.
£75.00 per hour plus VAT (£15.00), totalling £90.00.

The overall cost of dealing with disputed cases varies according to the size and nature of the claim, its complexity the evidential and procedural requirements of the case.


Disbursements for these cases will vary according to the type of proceedings issued. We can supply further details of these once a decision is made about the appropriate insolvency process. 

Debt recovery: Range of Costs

The range of costs outlined is accurate as at January 2024.

We provide a fixed cost debt recovery legal service in certain cases.

Undisputed Debts

In some cases, we may be able to work on a fixed fee basis. Our fixed cost service is always based upon undisputed debt.


The following costs apply where the claim relates to an undisputed and unpaid invoice and in a case in which enforcement action is not needed.


Note that if the other party disputes your claim at any point, we will discuss any further work required and provide you with revised advice about costs, if necessary, which could be on a fixed fee (e.g. if a one-off letter is required), or an hourly rate if more extensive work is needed.

Debt Value
Court fee
Our fee (inc VAT)
Up to £5,000
£205.00 (exempt from VAT)
£500.00 plus VAT (£100.00), totalling £600.00.
£5,001 - £10,000
£455.00 (exempt from VAT)
£850.00 plus VAT (£170.00), totalling £1,020.00.
£10,001 - £50,000
5% of the value of the Claim (exempt from VAT)
10% value of the claim (plus VAT – to be calculated)
To be calculated

Anyone wishing to proceed with a claim should also note that:-

The VAT element of our fee cannot be reclaimed from your debtor.


Interest and compensation may take the debt into a higher banding, with a higher cost.


The costs shown above are not for matters where a defence is entered and work associated with the claim is beyond that point or where enforcement action, such as the bailiff, is needed to collect your debt.

Scope of work for a fixed price

The above fees include:-

  • Taking your instructions and reviewing documentation, but no other correspondence. 

  • Undertaking appropriate searches.

  • Sending a letter before action.

  • Receiving payment and sending onto you, or if the debt is not paid, drafting and issuing claim.

  • Where no Acknowledgment of Service or Defence is received, applying to the court to enter Judgement in default.

  • When Judgement in default in received, write to the other side to request payment.

  • If payment is not received within 14 days, providing you with advice on next steps and likely costs.


If a claim becomes defended, our hourly rate of charge will be applied. 


Matters usually take 2-6 weeks from receipt of instructions from you to receipt of payment from the other side, depending on whether or not It is necessary to issue a claim.


This is on the basis that the other side pays promptly on receipt of Judgement in default.


If enforcement action is needed, the matter will take longer to resolve.

Licensing Applications: Range of Costs

The range of costs outlined is accurate as at January 2024.

Licensing applications in relation to businesses: Range of costs and fixed fee

Premises Licenses are required when any business wishes to provide any one of the ‘licensable activities’ to its customers - for example, the selling of alcohol, the playing of live or recorded music, or the selling of hot food take-away after


Applications for a premise’s Licence are made under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 and applications to vary a premise’s Licence under Section 34 of the Licensing Act 2003 involve legal processes that ensure that responsible bodies (for example the Police, Fire Service, or Local Authority) and members of the public to question the planned activity and the way in which this will be carried out.


The average cost or a range of costs associated with these types of application depends upon the complexity of the planned business, its nature and the extent to which objections might be made to the application. 

Factors affecting complexity can include:-

  • Whether there is a cumulative impact policy in place.

  • The type and size of the premises.

  • Whether it is in a residential area.

  • Whether what is proposed is e.g. a large-scale public event.

The normal range of costs for cases of this type are typically:-

Level of Complexity
£1,300.00 plus VAT (£260.00), totalling £1,560.00 and Disbursements.
For example, a new premises licence. Based on 4hrs at £255.00 per hour plus VAT (£51.00), totalling £306.00.
£2,500.00 plus VAT (£500.00), totalling £3,000.00 and Disbursements.
Based on 5hrs at £255.00 per hour plus VAT (£51.00), totalling £306.00.
£5,000.00 plus VAT (£1,000.00), totalling £6,000.00 and Disbursements.
For example, a large public event. Based on 10 – 24hrs at £255.00 per hour plus VAT (£51.00), totalling £306.00.

These estimated fees will include the following parts of a typical licensing application:-

  • Taking your instructions and advising you as to how you can promote the licensing objectives within your application.

  • Advising you as the type of plans you are required to submit with your application.

  • Completing the application form for a new premises Licence (including the operating schedule) in accordance with your instructions and submitting this to the local licensing authority alongside suitable plans. You must provide suitable plans.

  • Providing guidance on the fee levels payable to the licensing authority.

  • Preparing copies of the premises Licence application for disclosure to the responsible authorities and serving copies of the application on the responsible authorities.

  • Drafting the notices advertising the premises Licence application and submitting the notice to the local newspaper.

  • Arranging with you for you to display the notice(s)advertising the premises Licence application and advising as to where and how this should be done by you in order to comply with the requirements of the Licensing Act 2003.

  • Providing a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) consent form for signature by a personal Licence holder proposed by yourself.

  • Checking the Licence once granted and correcting any errors with the licensing authority.

The fee does not include:-

  • Obtaining suitable plans.

  • Attending pre-consultation meetings with the Licensing Authority or Responsible Authorities, nor their fee for this meeting.

  • Dealing with or advising you in relation to queries or representations received from either the responsible authorities or other interested parties.

  • Advising on varying the Licence.

  • Attendance and representation at a licensing sub-committee hearing of the responsible authority. If representations are received and attendance and representation at a licensing sub-committee is required then we will provide a separate fee estimate for this work which will be charged at an hourly rate.

These additional elements of work will be charged at our hourly charging rate of £255.00 per hour plus VAT. 


Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as the application fee.


Some fees depend upon the business rates payable for the property. Local Authorities will provide the following type of information as a basis for setting the application fees:-

£0.00 to £4,300.00
£4,301.00 to £33,000.00
£33,001.00 to £87,000.00
£87,001.00 to £125,000.00
£125,001.00 or more

The actual fee to be charged by the Local Authority varies from area to area but by way of illustration:-

Application fee
Annual charge
Variation fee

In addition to the application fee each Premises Licence Application needs to be advertised and other typical aspects of an application will involve the payment of other types of disbursement e.g.:-

Advertising Fee
£300.00 to £1,000.000 plus VAT
Enquiry Agent fees to display public notices
£200.00 to £400.00 plus VAT
Special delivery fee to serve the application
Printing additional copies of plans, if necessary

*These fees vary depending on the individual premises and where it is located. The fees can on occasion be higher than the ranges given above. We will give you an accurate figure for each item as soon as we are able to do so.


Any premises in Bands D and E will be charged more where they are exclusively or mainly in the business of selling alcohol.

  • Band D Premises - Application fee or twice annual charge.

  • Band E Premises - Application fee or three times annual charge.

Similarly, where the maximum number of persons you plan to allow on the premises whilst licensable activities take place is 5,000 or more, then the following additional fees will apply:-

Number of Persons
Additional Fees
Between 5,000 and 9,999 persons
Between 10,000 and 14,999 persons
Between 15,000 and 19,999 persons
20,000 or more persons
Contact us for a quotation.

Other fees

Other common types of disbursements include the following:-

Application for provisional statement
Personal Licence
Temporary event notice
Copy of notice/Licence/certificate or summary
Notification of change of name or address
Notification of change of details
Variation to premises supervisor
Transfer of premises Licence
Interim authority
Register freeholder interest

How long will my application take?

Matters usually take 4-6 weeks from receipt of full instructions from you. The licensing regulations have specified time limits built into them and so it is not likely that an application will take less time than this estimate. 


A period of 6-8 weeks is given on the basis of the application being relatively straightforward and you being able to provide all the necessary documents promptly.


If your matter is more complex, for example, if there is substantial opposition from interested parties, or if there is a delay in receiving the documents we need, it may take longer.

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